From the notes, what is the difference between a colony under European colonialism, and a settler-colonial nation? From the notes what is mestizaje? How is it different from the idea of miscegenation?



From the notes, what is the difference between a colony under European colonialism, and a settler-colonial nation? From the notes what is mestizaje? How is it different from the idea of miscegenation? What are how South American and Central American settler nations attempt to deal with the Indigenous peoples whose homelands they have claimed? What are how Canada and the United States attempt to deal with the Indigenous peoples whose lands Canada and the United States have claimed? Please type about 3-4 pages (900 words minimum) time new roman double spaced size 12 font. Need someone who has amazing English writing skills as this is a university level paper. Please cite your sources as well. Deadline is 10 pm Eastern Time (ET) Monday, April 4th. Gives you plenty of time to make the paper look awesome. Must follow these guidelines, please. Notes are attached to help however credible internet sources ON TOP of the notes is recommended as well.

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