Garden Planning assignment help



PROJECT TOPIC: Garden Planning 



Course Project Part 1—Due Week 1 (graded, 40 points)

Project Proposal

10 points

Select a project topic that contains sufficient details to demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts.

Here are some ideas for project topics.

Making a blockbuster big budget movie

Planning a destination family reunion for 150 people

Starting a socially conscious charitable foundation

Designing a planned community

Planning a trip around the world

Planning a presidential campaign

Starting a new magazine

Your own choice of topic for a project

Complete the Project Proposal Template with the information requested.  This document is available in the “Guidelines” section inside the Course Project page.

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox using the proper filename convention.

Preliminary Task Report and Resource Report

20 points

Select the Project Management Institute Process Template from the MS Project 2013 application available at the Student Software Store or in the Citrix iLab—both applications are accessible from the Course Resources area in Course Home.

Follow the Procedures to Download MS Project Guide instructions on how to access the Student Software Store. This document is available in the “Guidelines” section inside the Course Project page.

To populate the WBS Schedule page, enter data from your Project Proposal. (Remove any content that is not your project.)

Print the Reports by navigating to: [REPORT>Dashboards>Project Overview].

Submit your Project Overview and Work Overview Reports to the Dropbox using the proper filename convention.

Submit your MS Project working file (.mpp) to the Dropbox using the proper filename convention.

Related Questions in science category

The ready solutions purchased from Library are already used solutions. Please do not submit them directly as it may lead to plagiarism. Once paid, the solution file download link will be sent to your provided email. Please either use them for learning purpose or re-write them in your own language. In case if you haven't get the email, do let us know via chat support.