General Instructions: This homework tests you in much of the material covered in class, and, as such, is also very good practice for the final examination.




Final Project

The project plus extra credit questions is worth 100 total points

Due Date: Thursday, December 20, Class time





o   General Instructions: This homework tests you in much of the material covered in class, and, as such, is also very good practice for the final examination.  While structured as homework, I expect you to treat this assignment as a report you would submit to your boss, or your clients.

o   Points: This project is worth 100 points.  This score will influence 10% of your final grade.

o   Assistance: You may not collaborate with anyone except the members of your group (max three) the instructor and TA. (classmates, friends, family, graduate students, other professors, etc.)

o   Submitting Your Project:

o   You are required to report your analysis and answers in typed format, neatly and clearly organized. This means, among other things, you should staple or bind the pages together.  Write complete, meaningful sentences. Turn in a hard copy of your project to help grading.

o   You are required to email the Word and Excel worksheet, or your project will not be graded.  Name the file after the last name of one of the group members. (i.e. Costanigro_Giang.xls). Include all the names of all group participants in the first page of the word document.

o   Clearly show all relevant steps when working at each question.  In hypothesis testing, this implies stating a null and alternative hypothesis, which test statistic you are using and how you calculate, a critical value, and the outcome of the test

Projects not following the above guidelines will be penalized.  The instructor also reserves the right to deem unacceptable a sloppy project. This will result in no grading and a zero score.

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