Global Marketing Research: Collaboration and Competition



Global Marketing Research: Collaboration and Competition

In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional

competency by describing how firms use marketing research to compete and

collaborate in the global economy:

Global Awareness

Marketers engaged in conducting global research must be cognizant of the many

factors that can positively or adversely affect an organization, such as cultural, social,

economic, competitive, technological, political, and legal environmental conditions.

Building and maintaining awareness of the global market conditions requires great effort

and diligence in order to minimize risk and maximize the profit potential for an organization.

Developing communications channels, being aware of cultural nuances, and

competitive forces can impact the success of a marketing effort that is invested in the

global marketing environment. As a marketing researcher, you must develop a keen

awareness for the global marketing environment to protect and improve organizational


Directions for completing this Assignment:

To complete this Assignment, you will review a scholarly article on Global Marketing

Research and write a 2-3 page informative essay (Click Here for more information on

how to write an informative essay) in APA style format addressing the following five

topic areas:

1. Describe the purpose of the global marketing research described in the article?

2. Explain the competitive environment in relation to marketing research is

discussed in the article.

3. Describe how collaboration and social behavior played a role in global marketing


4. In your informative essay explain the following:

 Provide a review of how the data was collected?

 Provide a review of how the data analysis was completed?

You may use a journal article listed in the Reading section of the course room or one

that you find in the Kaplan University library. For additional requirements in relation to

this Assignment, download the grading rubric below.

For additional requirements in relation to this Assignment, see the grading rubric below.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. For additional help with

your writing and APA citation, please visit the Kaplan University Writing Center.

Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft® Word® document and save it with your first

name initial and last name.

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