Greedy Algorithm Use a greedy approach to write an algorithm (pseudocode) for the Traveling Salesperson problems.

computer science


4. Greedy Algorithm Use a greedy approach to write an algorithm (pseudocode) for the Traveling Salesperson problems. Show that your algorithm does not always find a minimum length tour. 

5. Equivalence Relations How many equivalence relations are there over the set S = {1,2,3}? 

6. Let D36 represent the divisors of 36, i.e. D36 = {1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18,36} x|y is notation for x divides y. 

a) Prove that < D36, 1> is a poset. 

b) Draw the Hasse diagram for this partially ordered set. 

c) What are the lower bounds for 12 and 18? 

d) What is the greatest lower bound for 12 and 18? i.e. glb(12,18) = ? 

e) What are the upper bounds for 4 and 9? f) What is the least upper bond for 4 and 9? i.e. l.u.b. (4,9) = ?

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