Habitat for Humanity assignment help

general article writing


The Rough Draft

Throughout this course, you have been working toward your final project. This week, you will be

submitting a rough draft of that project. Using the information from your outline, your bibliography, and

your literature review, combine the information to create a rough draft (you will have the opportunity

for this to be reviewed by your instructor and your peers). Once you have completed your work, post it

to W6 Discussion: Peer Review forum. Note that we will return to this forum in week 6. Pay close

attention to the following criteria to ensure you covered everything.

For All Assignment Types

Your assignment should be well-organized and demonstrate an orderly flow of information that clearly

addresses the subject chosen. In addition to the above criteria, your final project should include the

following elements.

You have three options in how you can present your final project:

As a Paper

Your paper should be creative and demonstrate what you have learned. It should be a minimum of 5-7

pages in length and you will use APA style formatting with a title page and reference section. You

should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-space your lines, and set your page up with one inch

margins. See the APA templates at Writing Commons for details on how to format your paper.

As a Presentation

Like the paper option, your presentation should be creative and demonstrate what you have learned

throughout the project. Your presentation should be 8-10 minutes in length, include visual elements

(graphics, pictures, etc.), be presented using a program such as PowerPoint or Prezi, and you should

record yourself giving the presentation. Consider using screen capture programs such as JING or


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