Week 7 Discussion
12: Gender and Sexual Orientation Differences
the following case study:
Crisp is a 19-year-old young man who thinks he might be gay and likes to go
clubbing. His parents disapprove of this, not only because they are
embarrassed, but because they think that the ecstasy, meth, and other drugs at
the clubs are dangerous. Hal says that he goes clubbing because that’s the only
place he feels accepted. He says he certainly does not feel accepted by his
Refer to the following guide: "A
Practitioner’s Resource Guide: Helping Families to Support Their LGBT
Children" (produced by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration - SAMHSA):
what you have learned in the above resource guide, and in Chapter 12, and this
week's field trip, write a 300-word top level post that responds to the following
questions in ESSAY format:
1. How
would you approach this client and this case as an addiction counselor?
2. Do you
think Hal is at risk for addiction? Why or why not? (Be sure to FOCUS ONLY on
the information provided in the case study. Do not make assumptions!)
3. What
special considerations would you keep in mind given that this client might be
struggling with his sexual orientation?
Would you involve the parents? Why or why not? If so, how?
*** Be sure to use examples from the reading and field trip to
support your answers to the above questions.***
Contract Law
Please write a five paragraph essay
about one area that you have studied thus far in Contracts.
Discuss two rules or laws in this area of
Contracts and state why you found that learning about them will benefit you at
some point in either your personal life or your professional life.
}Chapter 1
}Define a legally binding contract
}Identify the six basic
requirements to forming a valid contract
}Explain the concept of offer and
}Define and exemplify
}Classify contracts into bilateral
or unilateral agreements
}Understand how a contract is
}Explain the difference between
executory and executed contracts
}Differentiate between valid, void,
voidable and unenforceable contracts
}Discuss various contractual
}Know what is meant by the term
“contractual capacity”
A contract is a
legally enforceable agreement that meets certain specified legal requirements
between two or more parties in which each party agrees to give and receive
something of legal value.
}Elements of a Valid Contract
}Legality of subject matter
}Contractual capacity
}Contractual intent
}Type of Obligation
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