Have code that compiles with the command: javac *.java in your user directory  Have code that runs with the command:

computer science


Basic Procedures You must: 

 Fill out a readme.txt file with your information (goes in your user folder, an example is provided) 

 Have a style (indentation, good variable names, etc.) 

 Comment your code well in JavaDoc style (no need to overdo it, just do it well) 

 Have code that compiles with the command: javac *.java in your user directory  Have code that runs with the command:

You may NOT: 

 Make your program part of a package. 

 Add additional public methods or variables 

 Use any built in Java Collections Framework classes anywhere in your program (e.g. no ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, etc.). 

 Use any arrays anywhere in your program (except the data field provided in the BetterArray class) 

 Alter any method signatures defined in this document of the template code. Note: “throws” is part of the method signature in Java, don’t add/remove these. 

 Alter provided classes/methods that are complete (GoblinGame, BetterArray.toString(), etc.). 

 Add any additional import statements (or use the “fully qualified name” to get around adding import statements). 

 Add any additional libraries/packages which require downloading from the internet.

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