Having worked through the content in this module, you should now have a good understanding of the different influence tactics, principles of persuasion, and bases of power you can use during an influence attempt.



Question 1

Having worked through the content in this module, you should now have a good understanding of the different influence tactics, principles of persuasion, and bases of power you can use during an influence attempt. 

Considering what you have learnt, choose a situation (either from your own work or study experience or a situation you can imagine taking place in the future) that you can only change making use of lateral or upward influence. (For example, you might want to ask your boss to give you some time off to focus on completing this course). Briefly describe the situation, then apply the theory in this module to the situation, indicating which three influence tactics, principles of persuasion, or bases of power you will use to achieve the desired outcome. 

You can select any three influence tactics, principles of persuasion, or bases of power covered in this module (e.g. you can focus on three tactics from one category, or you can choose one tactic from each category). Note that the rubric awards marks for choosing widely. For each of the three tactics, principles, or power bases mentioned, provide a rationale for why you think it would be effective in the given situation. 

Your submission should be between 450 and 500 words in length (+- 20 words). 

Getting free / time for the MBA course was a current topic that I have just been through. It was challenging for me to convince my staff. Even though I am a self-employed pharmacist and normally that would not be a direct lateral influence but more downward, but I certainly do not think it has been easy for me to convince my employees. Understaffing has been an issue lately as some of my employees have been ill for a longer time and the remaining staff had to take extra shifts at work. 

For this purpose, I have chosen a combination tactics to overcome resistance from my employees. Also, I have not used hard influence tactics quite directly. At the first I presented my idea to my manager who also does Pharmacy Accounting. I knew that she would support me and possibly convince others. Here I have used Personal appeal and inspirational appeal. My argument for her was that I wanted to learn more about accounting etc. This course would help me and I can help you more. I tried to convince her to agree with my request . It helped and then I have used our internal communications platform to inform everyone about my course. I also tried to influence my employees through my announcement by mentioning my manager and her support about my course I have used her higher position in organization for approval / acceptance prior to making my request to others (upward appeal).

In my announcement I have described: 

Dear all .I will soon start an online course for managers /leaders within management and organization. In this course I will learn how to become a better leader. This course is a great tool for young pharmacy owner like me and it is recommended by other pharmacy owner /leaders! It will appear on the schedule when on the day I leave for my study and this will require a little change and planning on some of your work schedule. I hope for your understanding. In my announcement I mean I have used my Legitimating/ hard tactics because I am their boss and have the authority and I have not asked them for permission! 

In addition, I also knew very well that I was going to annual performance review with my staff soon before the course started. We usually fill out a form one week before the interview and one of the questions that I have chosen was! What is your expectation from your leader? Give 3 pieces of advices. For this purpose I have again used inspirational appeal. During conversation I have explained the purpose of my course was that I want to be a better leader and that helps me understand my employees better and I would have a better understanding of our business etc. I have used social proof through my manager and my authority within principles of persuasion tactics. Even though I have not finished all the interviews yet, but it has had an effect and they have agreed to stay longer at work and have taken extra hours at work despite understaffing.

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