Assignment for TECO401 the Principle of Economics
This assignment is an individual essay with 2000 words in length and will contribute
15% to your final mark in this unit.
The student is required to select a newspaper/web article (not older than 3 months) for
an economic analysis, and apply Macroeconomics theory to explain and analyze the
article. The copy of the article showing source must be included with the analysis.
The written assessment is to be in a 12-point font 1.5 spaced with clear printing quality.
Single sided print and allow generous margins permitting comment if applicable from
the marker. Papers should be stapled in the left top corner; heavy single sheet pocket
folders are not acceptable and will be discarded.
Structure and citation of sourced work with references are to comply with scholarly
conventions. Harvard system is preferred. A useful site if unsure what reference style
is required is
Please assure a thorough edit and spell check using English (Australian). Silly errors,
typographical mistakes, and poor spelling detract will be penalized.
The Possible Topics Can be As Follows
GDP growth in China or India (or the Comparison between the GDP growth in
China and India or other developing countries)
Unemployment in Australia (or the Comparison of the unemployment rate
between Australian and US or Europe)
Inflation in China (or India) and Australia
The Relationship between Unemployment and Inflation Rate
The Poverties in China, India and other Developing Countries
RBA, Monetary Policy, and Economic Growth
Exchange Rate Between China and Australia (or Exchange Rate between the US
and Australia, Exchange Rate between the US and China)
Marking Guide for Assignment
1. Introduction 8%
2. The content of the topics 40%
3. Development of the topics 30%
4. Conclusion 7%
5. Reference 10%
6. Format 5%
Total 100%
1. Introduction
8 marks 4 marks
Demonstrated a clear introduction to Demonstrated a brief introduction to
the essay the essay
2. The content of the Topics
40 marks 25 marks 15 marks 5 marks
Well- defined Usually defined Not always Did not define
Macroeconomics Macroeconomic well-defined Macroeconomic
cs concepts s concepts well Macroeconomic cs concepts
whenever the cs concepts well
concepts are
Appropriately Apply Not always
apply the Macroeconomic apply Did not apply
Macroeconomics s theories to Macroeconomics Macroeconomic
cs theories to explain the c theories to c theories to
explain topics in the explain the explain the
in the essay topics topics
Employs the
appropriate Use appropriate
graphic Not always use Did not use
illustrations in graphic appropriate
most cases illustrations graphics
well illustrations
3. Development of the topics
30 Marks 20 Marks 10 Marks
Clear linkages, well- Most links between Inadequate evidence of
structured the sub- each subtopic and linkages of subtopics
topics and well adequately explained
explained the sub-
Appropriately used Used some research Did not use research
research materials or materials or evidence material or pieces of evidence
evidence to support to support you to support you
your arguments arguments arguments
4. Conclusion
7 marks 4 marks
Demonstrated an excellent summary Demonstrated a good summary for the
for the essay essay
5. References
10 marks 5 marks
Appropriately used Harvard reference Did not appropriately use reference
system system
6. Format
5 marks 2.5 marks
Used appropriate academic format Did not use appropriate academic
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