How do the problem-domain classes map to the selected format?

technical writing


When you design a system, how its data is stored, optimized, and accessed are among your primary concerns. If your system cannot work efficiently with well-structured data, then your design would not be of much use to your organization. 

For this Application, imagine that you are a systems analyst for a bookstore. You are designing a system to sell books, CDs, and DVDs online. Using what you have learned about data management layer design, address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper:

  • Which object-persistence format is best for this system?
  • How do the problem-domain classes map to the selected format?
  • What techniques would best optimize the design’s processing efficiency?
  • What do you need to consider when you design the data access and manipulation (DAM) classes for the system? Create one DAM class as an example.
  • Explain each of your recommendations and justify the design choices.

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