How do we create ourselves, and our identities, in contemporary culture through selfie at a time? How do we express our political views through selfies?



Selfie Photo-Essay Assignment – Due July 28th @ 6:00pm

 How do we create ourselves, and our identities, in contemporary culture through selfie at a time? How do we express our political views through selfies?

This assignment is focused on asking you to think about and unpack some of the primary topics in cultural anthropology in relationship to yourself through photography and selfies. In particular, you will be asked to discuss and think about visual signifiers associated with topics such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, class, and other identity markers by examining choices in self presentation, which includes: posing, facial expression, clothing, make-up, hair styles as well as background (places), lighting, angle of the camera, objects included or other people. 

Take 5 selfies or find older selfies (others can be in the photo, but your image needs to be prominent). Be creative in thinking about how each photo represents and challenges aspects of your identity; the public/private realm, and identity politics. Consider all of the aspects of the images listed above, both separately and how they interconnect, and how selfies can be used to create political statements (even if these political statements focus on individual lives). You also need to think about how you can analysis your selfies according to some of the theories we have been working with in this class (i.e. in terms of content, framing, posing, background, lighting etc.)

Also, think deeply about the political issues that are important to you. Many of you simply focused on class or gender for the Week 13 discussion. These are both very obvious and not particular to any individual. Try to think outside of the box and focus on political issues that are indigenous to you, your life and your identity.. 

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