How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician's request?




For this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation based on the following case studies.

Read the case studies and answer the following questions:


Apply Guido's MORAL model to resolve the dilemma presented in the case study described in Ethical Scenario 4-3 on p. 48 which is titled, “When Care Appears Medically Inappropriate,” (Guido textbook 7th edition).

  • How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician's request?
  • How would this scenario begin to cause moral distress among the nursing staff, and what are the positive actions that the nurses might begin to take to prevent moral distress?

Read the following case study and answer the following questions: “You be the Ethicist”, presented at the end of Chapter 3, p. 41, which starts, “Helga Wanglie…” (Guido textbook).

  • What are the compelling ethical rights that this case addresses?
  • Whose rights should take precedence?
  • How might the institutions' organizational ethics policies have impacted the outcome of this case?
  • Leaving any legal issues aside, how would you have used ethical principles to decide the outcome of this case, if Helga Wanglie had continued to survive relying on life-sustaining measures?


Now, examine the same Helga Wanglie scenario from the perspective of health care policy.

  • How would you begin to evaluate the need for the policy and the possible support or lack of support for the policy from your peers, nursing management, and others who might be affected by the policy?
  • Do the 10 framework questions outlined by Malone in chapter 4 (Guido textbook, p. 50) assist in this process?
  • Create a proposal for the organization with possible guidelines, procedures, and policies to address the issues you have identified.


Assignment Expectations

Length: 10 slides minimum; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. 


Title: 1 slide

Objectives: 1 slide

Guido's MORAL model: at least 2 slides

You be the Ethicist: at least 2 slides

The perspective of health care policy: at least 2 slides

Conclusion: 1 slide

References: 1 slide

Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; the script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least four scholarly sources to support your claims.

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