How to hand in your exam paper Start preparing the hand in well in advance of the exam deadline. Your exam paper must be handed in as one PDF file in WISEflow. The maximum permitted file size is 200 MB.
Additional material/appendices may (if permitted) be uploaded in other file formats. The total maximum permitted file size is 5 GB.
If you experience problems uploading and handing in your exam paper in WISEflow, you can send the paper to the following email address: You need to ask for permission to hand your paper for final assessment in WISEflow. Use the formula “Exemption” under “Applications to Study Councils” in the Student Self-Service. You need to apply as soon as possible after sending your paper to the email address.
If you need technical assistance during the exam, you can contact BSS IT-support, phone: +45 87 15 09 33. Contact the invigilator, if the exam is on-site. Be aware that exam papers are as a rule only permitted for final assessment, if handed in in the right format/size and within the exam deadline.
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