I need to create a powerpoint presentation file, the maximum is no more than seven bullets per slide, and no more than seven words per bullet. the details of the hardware and software solution need tobe in slides. The purpose of this presentation is to pr

computer science


I need to create a powerpoint presentation file, the maximum is no more than seven bullets per slide, and no more than seven words per bullet. the details of the hardware and software solution need tobe in slides. The purpose of this presentation is to present the hardware and software solutuion for a decision. for, example,make and model of hardware and short description should be in the slide but, brief and in bullet format. The speaker notes are for amplication. slides wit speaker notes should contain at least four complete sentence ( in the notes section) each. think of the speaker notes as what you would actually say during the presentation. also, if someone wants to review the presentation later, the speaker notes will provide sufficient information for the reader to understand what you presented. 

create a presentation to outline your proposal to meet the case study requirements. identify the purpose and audience (the director) for your presentation. open a new, blank powerpoint presentation file. save the presentation using the following name: students first intial last name presentation'' example: Cox mark presentation select a design/theme template to define the format and background for your presentation slides. do not use the default theme (office). also ensure that the theme you selected or any other formatting changes you make do not make the presentations difficult to view on a computer.- let the design template automatically set font and style formats. slide 1: this is the title slide, yourself select an appropriate title and subtitle that clearly conveys the purpose of your presentation. no speaker notes required 4. slide#2 title this slide ''agenda'' add the following bullet points for the agenda: Introduction/overview/ hardware components/ system unit features/ application software/ conclusion. this an outline of the presentation. your speaker notes will include your own introduction. talk very briefly about the agenda. 5. slide#3 purpose of presentation(identify audience and the reason for the presentation) and overview of what's to come.include here the name and type of computers you are recommending ( e,g dell inspiron 1500 or apple Mac d desktop) use bullet points , not complete sentences. use the speaker notes feature to help you discuss the bulllet points ( four complet sentences minimum. 6. slide# 4 title this slide '' Hardware components"" write and add a minimum of 3-5 bullets that best illustraste how the hardware components satisfy the requirements. you will summarize the hardware components here, pointing out major components or differences major components if more than one type of computer is being recommended. use the speaker notes feature tohelp you discuss the bullet points four complete sentences minimum) the speaker note should address the requirement met. title this slide ''system unit features''. write and add a minimum of 3-5 bullets that best illustrates how the system unit features satisfy the requirements. you will summarize the system unit components here, pointing out major com[ponents or differences in major components if more than one type of computer is being recoomended. use the speaker notes feature to help you discuss thebullet points (four complete sentences minimum) the speaker notes should address the requirement met. 8.slide # 6 title this slide '' Application software''. write and add a minimum of 3-5 bulets that best illustrates how the application software satisfies the requirements. you wil summarizes the software components here, pointing out major components or differences in major components if more than one type of computer is being recommende. use the speaker notes feature to help you discuss the bullet points. ( four complete sentences minimum) the speaker notes should address the requirement met. 9. add a relevant graphic that enhances text on the application software (slide 6) :title of this slide is '' internet connectivity and web services''. use the speaker notes features to help you. write and add a minimum of 3-5 bullets that best illustrates how the internet connectivity satisfy the requirements. you will summarize the software components here, pointing out major components or difference in major componentsif more than one type of computer is being recommende. discuss the bullet points (four complete sentences minimum). the speaker notes should adress the requrement met title this slide '' conclusion''. write and add 3-5 bullets that best illustrate why this is the best solution or supports the purpose you've defined for the presentation. use the speaker notes feature to help you discuss the bullet points( four complete sentence minimum) 12 slide# 9- add title only slide. type '' questions & next steps'' in the title section. move the title box so that it is centered on the slide (horizontally & vertically). no speker notes required 13. create a footer using '' courtesy of your name''example Cmark'' so that it shows on all sides including the title slide. replace the words''your name'' with youractulal name 

14. create a footer for automated slide numbers that appears on all slide except the title slide. ensure that your name does appear on every slide, but the page numbers start on the slide# 2. thiswill involve slighlty different steps to accomplish both. depending upon the theme you have choosen, the page numbers or your name may not appear in the lower portion of the slide. one transition scheme is ok. last instruction on powerpoint presentation files. 16. apply ,an animation on at least one slide. the animation may be on text or on a graphic. may be uised or different shemnes for different slides. 17. proffread and spell-check your presentation. review again for any grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. preserntation should be well- organized with appropriate amount of text per slide.

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