Identify and fully explain at least one example for each of the elements of the PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental).




This assessment will be in the form of a report document.

For the report, you must complete a PESTLE analysis of the external environment and a separate analysis of the internal environment of a New Zealand business or organisation. You do not need to contact any organisation to write your report.

This assessment is marked out of 100 marks and is worth 40% of your overall course mark.


Step 1: Choose a business or organisation

Choose a New Zealand business or organisation from any industry.

  • You may select one of the New Zealand business from the list below, or use one that you are familiar with or have access to information for.
  • If you make your own choice of business, make sure it meets the following criteria:
  • It may be a large (more than 20 employees), medium (between five and nineteen employees) or small (five or fewer employees) business. It may be a public or private business, a profit or not-for-profit organisation.
  • It is a business you are relatively familiar with or one that you can source information about without contacting the business itself. You do not need to have intimate knowledge of this business but have some degree of understanding about the environment in which it operates.

If you do not have a business in mind, select one from the following list:

  • Coupland's Bakeries
  • Ferg’s Kayaks
  • Michael Hill Jeweller
  • Kings Plant Barn
  • Opzeeland Transport

Step 2: Describe the business

Write a description of the business (type, size, core business, location, market etc.) (250 words maximum – 10 marks).

This activity repeats part of the activity completed during Section 5.

Step 3: PESTLE

Complete a PESTLE analysis of the external environment in which this organisation or business operates. (600 words maximum – 45 marks)

  • Identify and fully explain at least one example for each of the elements of the PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental).
  • Explain how each element is or may impact on the organisation or business.
  • This activity repeats the activity completed during Section 5.

Step 4: Internal Environments

Complete an analysis of the internal environment in which this organisation or business operates. (400 words maximum – 30 marks)

  • Identify and fully explain at least one example for each of the elements of the internal environment analysis (systems, structure, resources and organisational culture).
  • Explain how each element is or may impact on the organisation or business.
  • This activity repeats the activity completed during Section 5.

Step 5: Reflection

Write an explanation of the learning you gained from the above activities and the value to you of completing the assessment. (250 words maximum – 10 marks)

  • There are also 5 marks for academic writing and referencing in this assessment.


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