Identify one method a forensic investigator may use to identify a potential RAT program

computer science


Each Answer must include at least three APA formatted in-text citations and references – one internal ( readings list below,) and one external (other authoritative sources beyond our course material). Note: No wiki or blog references are allowed.

Question 1

Give an example of an incident where it was discovered that a RAT was found in a corporate network.   

Identify one method a forensic investigator may use to identify a potential RAT program?

Note: a minimum of 3 references APA format in text citation. Please do not make use of reference older

than 2013 and a minimum of 500 words

Question 2

In one of your readings for this week the authors describe “malicious code detection as an obfuscation-

deobfuscation game” -- why? 

Give two examples of how malware may try to hide itself on an asset.

Note: a minimum of 3 references APA format in text citation. Please do not make use of reference older

than 2013 and a minimum of 500 words

Question 3

What are two items to consider when creating a malware analysis environment?  

Could malware detect and react differently if a potential malware analysis tool/environment is detected?

 Give two possible examples.

Note: a minimum of 3 references APA format in text citation. Please do not make use of reference older

than 2013 and a minimum of 500 words

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