Identify the variables in the following
hypotheses and indicate the best method for analysis:
solve the cheese maze quicker than rats.
Variable: __________________
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical
__________________ and type of scale: ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal
Variable: ___________________
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical
__________________ and type of scale: ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal
Best Type of Analysis ________________________
Identify the variables in the following
hypotheses and indicate the best method for analysis:
Stress levels (as measures on a scale
from -10 to +10) significantly vary among pet owners based on the type of pet:
cats, dogs, rabbits, birds.
Independent Variable:
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical
__________________ and type of scale: ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal
Variable: ___________________
Type of Variable: continuous or categorical
__________________ and type of scale: ratio, interval, nominal, ordinal _____________________
Best Type of Analysis ________________________
For the remaining items, identify the following
research excerpts as Quantitative or Qualitative research. Then,
identify the type of research that best fits the example. Write the letter
corresponding to the research designs that best describe the excerpt from the
following list.
a). Archival ___________________
b). Case History _____________________
c). Content Analysis ___________________
d). Cross Sectional ________________________
e). Ethnography ________________________
f). Factorial Between Subjects Experiment
g). Longitudinal ________________________
h). Meta-Analysis ________________________
i). Naturalistic Observation ____________________________
j). Pre-post Test _______________________________
k). survey ____________________________________
l). Two-Two __________________________
m). Within Subjects Longitudinal Experiment __________________________________
The study followed 100 females from 5 years to
the age of 25 with annual assessments of cognitive and physical growth as well
as environmental stress levels.
Quantitative or Qualitative: ___________________
Type of Design: ____________________________
The female, who appears to be about 8 years old,
approached a male on the playground who appears smaller than the female and
approximately 6 years old and stated “Go away” while she pushed him. The male
looked around and after spotting an adult female, started to cry and ran to the
adult. The female seemed undisturbed by the crying and continued playing on the
climbing equipment.
Quantitative or Qualitative: ___________________
Type of Design: ____________________________
A group of students were administered a test at
the beginning of their studies on research methods and again a year later, at
the end of their research method coursework.
or Qualitative: ___________________
of Design: ____________________________
Patient Jones presented with unique symptoms
after this stroke. He appeared to have increased use of his extrasensory
perception (ESP). This was first noticed by his hospital care-givers and family
members. Given his noticeably ability to “mind-read,” we decided to investigate
this ability further to determine if this is indeed an increase in ESP or
increase in perception and prediction abilities.
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