Identify three possible challenges encountered by each family composition in Canada. Explain how those challenges affect children from each family composition.



Child, Family, and Community


Assignment #2: Diversity of Family

Course learning outcome:

  • Reflect on the diversity of family composition in changing societies

Due Date: February 15th by 11:59 pm


  1. Research and describe three types of family composition.
  2. Identify three possible challenges encountered by each family composition in Canada. Explain how those challenges affect children from each family composition.
  3. Reflect on your role as an early childhood educator to support the families in overcoming the challenges. Cite the textbook and at least three of the course readings using APA format. 
  4. Post your work to the discussion board. Then review your peers’ discussions, and respond to two other discussions.

Required Reading

Wilson, L. (2013). Partnerships: Families & Communities in Early Childhood Development (5th ed.):

·         Chapter 9: Families We May Meet

·         Chapter 10: Families in Transition: Issues Facing Families

Required Reading

Visit The Vanier Institute

Web Resource

Read the following article and watch the accompanying video:

Scotti, M. (2017). The Canadian household is changing: More single dads, more same-sex parents, fewer young families

Assignment #3: Influences of Family and Community

Course learning outcome:

  • Describe how family and community influence the child’s identity

Due Date: Feb 20t by 11:59 pm


  1. Review Psychosocial Development Theory (Module 3) and Ecological Systems Theory (Module 1). 
  2. In the context of these theories, identify factors from family and community that influence a child’s identity.
  3. Discuss what implications this has on your role as an early childhood educator. Pose questions to generate discussion with your classmates and moderate your discussion threads.
  4. Contribute thoughtfully and substantively to the discussion threads of others.

Refer to the rubric to guide you through this assignment by clicking on the above “other options” icon () and selecting “Show Rubric."



Assignment #4:


Course learning outcome:

Develop techniques of relational practice principles

Required Reading

Wilson, L. (2013). Partnerships: Families & communities in early childhood development (5th ed.)

  • Chapter 4: Building Effective Partnerships
  • Chapter 5: Ways to Involve Families
  • Chapter 6: Verbal Communication with Families
  • Chapter 7: Family-Teacher conferences


Due date: Feb 22th by 11:59 pm


1.    Select one of the following case studies describing a hypothetical family:

Case study #1
Noah, a three year old, has been recently adopted by two dads: Mike and Ryan. They are all Canadian born. It is their first time adopting a child, so Mike and Ryan have lots of concerns and questions about how to raise Noah in a home with two dads and appropriately support Noah's healthy development.

Case Study #2
Sana, a four-year-old, fled Syria with her mother and two brothers. They do not know where Sana's father is. The government of Canada provides a safe shelter, health care, and food to Sana and her family. None of them speak English. Sana and her two brothers have recently joined your program, so that their mother can learn English and get training on job skills.

Case Study #3
Jada, a five-year-old, lives with her mom, her older sister, her uncle, and her two cousins. They are all considered to be Jada’s family members, and her whole family has Indigenous status. Jada’s family wants Jada to retain their Indigenous language, as it is a critical part of their Indigenous identity. Jada’s family is considered a low-income family, as they rely on their sole income from the uncle.

2.    Develop ten practical techniques you can apply to build relationships with this family. Provide a rationale for the strategies you have selected using pedagogical theory and developmental context using the textbook and academic resources cited correctly with APA format.

3.    The paper should be 700–900 words, excluding the title and the reference pages.

Required Reading

Wilson, L. (2013). Partnerships: Families & communities in early childhood development (5th ed.)

·         Chapter 4: Building Effective Partnerships

·         Chapter 5: Ways to Involve Families

·         Chapter 6: Verbal Communication with Families

·         Chapter 7: Family-Teacher conferences




Relational Practice Rubric

Relational Practice Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePRACTICAL TECHNIQUES

Clear identification of thoughtful practical techniques to build relationships with the family of your choice

20.0 pts


16.0 pts


12.0 pts

Meets Minimal Expectation

8.0 pts

Approaching Minimum Expectation

4.0 pts


0.0 pts

Not Completed

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRATIONALE

Clear description of rationale for each technique

20.0 pts


16.0 pts


12.0 pts

Meets Minimal Expectation

8.0 pts

Approaching Minimum Expectation

4.0 pts


0.0 pts

Not Completed

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMATERIALS

Referenced the textbook and academic resources to support rationale

20.0 pts


16.0 pts


12.0 pts

Meets Minimal Expectation

8.0 pts

Approaching Minimum Expectation

4.0 pts


0.0 pts

Not Completed

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTYLE

(1) Tone is appropriate for the audience and situation (2) Mechanics (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) are correct (3) Correctly cited where required using APA style

20.0 pts


16.0 pts


12.0 pts

Meets Minimal Expectation

8.0 pts

Approaching Minimum Expectation

4.0 pts


0.0 pts

Not Completed

20.0 pts

Total Points: 80.0

Assignment #5: Community Resource File

Course learning outcome:

·         Examine community resources which are beneficial to families

Due Date : March 3rd by 11:59pm

Required Reading 

Wilson, L. (2013). Partnerships: Families & Communities in Early Childhood Development (5th ed.):

  • Chapter 2: Supports to Children and Families



1.  Create a Community Resource Package

Using an electronic card file system (1 card = 1 PowerPoint slide or 1 Word document page), create a community resource package for families in your community.

Your community resource package will have three sections:

·         Resources for parents of young children

·         Resources for the early childhood program

·         Resources for specific needs/situations (you can select specific needs/situations)

There should be at least eight resources per section.

Your filing system should include, but not be limited to, organizations in your community that provide support to families in the following areas:

·         Newcomers

·         First Nations, Métis, or Inuit ancestry

·         Food security

·         Financial support

·         Counselling

·         Supported child development

·  &

Related Questions in education category

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