If assignment is not submitted on date, will follow with penalty of 10% deduction of marks for every day.



All assignments are to be submitted on 3 rd September 2020 on www.atmsstudentportal.com with the login credentials shared before. 

● If assignment is not submitted on date, will follow with penalty of 10% deduction of marks for every day. 

● Similarity between students work is strictly not accepted, any student found with similar work will be graded Zero and fail for the course. However, Plagiarism is an academic offence and will not be tolerated. 

● Any re evaluation request should come in one week of grade release. Any late request will not be obliged. (Form and other details shall be shared based on request) 

● Any rescheduling request should come and fulfilled within two months after the actual date of the assessment. Any late request will not be obliged. 

● Assignment once submitted to exam board is final for marking. Total 90 marks. 10 Marks for Class Participation.

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