Homework 2
Due Date:
October 22nd, Monday, 11:59 pm.
Max point
is 100. Each question is worth 25 points.
these questions on Excel.
question has to be solved in a separate worksheet. (not workbook)
worksheet has to be named by the question number.
Only one
Excel document will be submitted to D2L named as yourname_assignment 1
If you
worked in teams, write your team members’ names clearly in a worksheet on your
workbook, and submit only one file per team.
Label all
solutions clearly. Any calculation without a label in front of it or on top of
it will be ignored from grading.
Grading Rubric for each Question:
Criteria |
Not Accomplished |
Needs Significant Improvement |
Competent |
Excellent |
Row Total |
of results, functions, and interpretations |
0 |
5 |
15 |
20 |
/20 |
of work |
0 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
/5 |
/25 |
The instructor can deduce or add any
additional points case by case.
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