Illustrate these key points with examples from either your organization or an actual organization. List the link to the website for the organization that you choose.



Module 2: Individual Assignment: Memo on Key Points

Submit Assignment
  • Due Apr 1 by 11:59pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

Please complete the reading: Good To Great and the Social Sector: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great. 2005. Jim Collins. pp. 1-17 (Modules 1 and 2).

Then please write a 1,200 word memo with two parts:

  1. List the key points of the Jim Collins reading pp. 1-17 (Modules 1 and 2).
  2. Illustrate these key points with examples from either your organization or an actual organization. List the link to the website for the organization that you choose. 

Please submit the assignment via the assignment drop box.

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