Impasse Resolution in Public Sector Collective Negotiations



Requirements include

  • Use a minimum of four sources (from the past four years) for each response, internet articles only
  • In-text citations in APA style
  • Reference page using APA style
  1. Some means of resolving negotiations impasses involve economic weapons (e.g. strikes and lockouts). There are other means of impasse resolution that do not involve the use of economic weapons (e.g. fact finding, mediation, med/arb/interest arb, etc.). Select two (2) non- economic means of impasse resolution, 1) explain how each one functions and 2) discuss the relative pros and cons of each.
  2. Unions have declined as a percentage of the workforce in the private sector. With this decline, have career and workplace dissatisfaction and alienation increased? If so, why is this so? If not, why not? Support your position.
  3. List and discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages in using seniority as a factor to determine shift preference or overtime assignments.

Address each question comprehensively:

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