In discussing the company's competitive strategy, students are expected to make use of tools and techniques such as SWOT, PESTEL, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Balanced Scorecard.



Choose a company you are familiar with and analyse its approach to e-business. In particular, focus on the company’s competitive strategy and see if you can identify any future threats or opportunities.


1      In discussing the company's competitive strategy, students are expected to make use of tools and techniques such as SWOT, PESTEL,  Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Balanced Scorecard.


2     Include Porter’s concepts of competitive advantage and the value chain. And contemporary concepts, such as the marketspace and the virtual value chain.


3    Expected to look forward to changes happening in areas such as the economy, legislation and technology. As an example, students might receive additional marks if they show an awareness of new technological developments that may impact on the business in the relatively near future.

My thoughts:

  • Let's write on PAYTM or other similar Fintech company. Please discuss with me before choosing a company.
  • Along with tools mentioned in #1, please try to use Blue Ocean vs Red Ocean, Boston Matrix and Ansoff Matrix.
  • Try to touch base on more practical concepts such as pay as you go vs monthly wallet; how PAYTM (or the company under discussion) should build business leadership position, Why PAYTM is not outside India - Wealth strategy/Political strategy

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