In his book, The Reflective Manager, Donald Schon suggests that there are two competing views of professional knowledge—that is, manager as a technician and manager as craftsman (artist).



Reflection in Action

In his book, The Reflective Manager, Donald Schon suggests that there are two competing views of professional knowledge—that is, manager as a technician and manager as craftsman (artist). In the MPA program, we have certainly emphasized learning of the management sciences which will be very valuable in your career. On the other hand, managers also face situations with uncertainty and uniqueness which brings into play the art of managing. Schon refers to this as “manager’s reflection in action” and provides several examples. In other words, this is an occasion for managers to raise questions about their knowledge and understanding of the situation. For example, how can I understand what is happening? What is different about this experience from others I have faced? Professor Callahan also addresses the importance of reflection in organization activity and poses the following questions to consider: "What surprised you about your recent experience? What lessons have you applied from your recent experience? What did you unlearn?” (Callahan, p. 30).

Reflection in Action Discussion

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During this program, you have been exposed to learning that has challenged your perceptions and understanding of how organization activity works. Share with us an example of such a challenge, how you thought about it, and how it will impact your future actions.

In addition to your formal post, please be sure to react to the posts of at least two colleagues.

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