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In separate paragraphs, explain the data clusters and which Gordon’s pattern each data cluster represents.



In separate paragraphs, explain the data clusters and which Gordon’s pattern each data cluster represents. Which Gordon’s patterns are Functional or Dysfunctional? (Take each of the data clusters and discuss how they helped you.)      

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses. In this section each of the data clusters will be identified and discussed as to the reason that the data cues make up each cluster and how they helped you to move forward with the care planning. Then, the data clusters will be used to identify the appropriate Gordon’s pattern. Gordon’s patterns will be identified as functional or dysfunctional. EACH data cluster will be developed and explained in a separate paragraph.

Any information that is not your original work (such as definitions) must have an in-text citation and corresponding reference (this means that the reference where you found the citation should be listed in the reference section of the write up). Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.


1.      Using Gordon’s as a guide, which nursing diagnoses are identified for this client? (Separate each Gordon’s pattern into a paragraph and discuss your process).

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses.

In this section, use the Gordon’s patterns identified in section one (1) to discuss nursing diagnoses that are associated with each pattern. There may be more than one applicable nursing diagnosis for the pattern and data cluster. EACH Gordon’s pattern and associated nursing diagnoses will be developed and explained in a separate paragraph.

Any information that is not your original work (such as definitions) must have an in-text citation and corresponding reference. Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.


2.      List ALL of the identified associated nursing diagnoses in the:                                              “Problem” Related to “_____  “ Evidenced by “____” format.

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses.

In this section, write each nursing diagnoses in the full diagnostic statement format (problem oriented nursing diagnoses have three parts; risk diagnoses have two parts; health promotion or educational nursing diagnoses may have two or three parts). Use principles learned from Chapter 17 of the Potter and Perry textbook, Gordon’s Patterns handouts, or Donges workbook. The nursing diagnostic statement does not require an in-text citation unless the definition of the problem is given, which is not required.

Any information that is not your original work (such as defi
nitions) must have an in-text citation and corresponding reference. Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.


3.      Show in a diagram how the nursing diagnoses listed were prioritized. The diagram should be inserted into the correct answer space. 

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses.

In this section, provide a diagram demonstrating how the nursing diagnoses are prioritized. Any method may be used to prioritize. Each nursing diagnosis from prompt 2 and 3 must be represented.

Any information that is not your original work (such as a diagram of Maslow’s heirarchy) must have a citation and corresponding reference. Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.


4.      Which problem-oriented physiological  nursing diagnosis is most important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined. What was the method of prioritization?

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses.

In this section, identify the priority physiologic problem-oriented nursing diagnosis (priority patient problem). Explain how you determined this is the priority physiologic problem using information from Prompt 4 and discussion of prioritization methods.

Any information that is not your original work (such as definitions) must have an it-citation and corresponding reference. Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.


5.      Which nursing diagnosis is second most important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined. What was the method of prioritization?

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses.

In this section, identify the second most important (priority) of the listed nursing diagnosis (from section 3). Explain how you determined this is the second priority problem using information from Prompt 4 and discussion of prioritization methods.

Any information that is not your original work (such as definitions) must have an it-citation and corresponding reference. Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.


6.      Which nursing diagnosis is least important to address with this client? Explain how this was determined. What was the method of prioritization?

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses.

In this section, identify the least important of the listed nursing diagnosis (from section 3). Explain how you determined this is the least priority problem using information from Prompt 4 and discussion of prioritization methods.

Any information that is not your original work (such as definitions) must have an it-citation and corresponding reference. Remove these instructions prior to turning in the assignment to the discussion forum or the deliverable homework forum. All responses should be in black ink.

Complete the Nursing process by answering the questions below and including the information in the explanation paper:


7.      What is the goal for the client to show that the priority problem is reduced or resolved? Remember what a goal is…

The question or prompt should be included prior to your answer responses. 

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