In the file treenode.h implement a template class TreeNode that represents a node in a binary search tree. It should have four publicmember variables:

computer science


Binary Search Trees

In these questions you will be making a Binary Search Tree template class.

Note that in answering these questions, you should not add any #include or using statements: you must implement the functionality yourself, without using any additional data structures from the standard library. I have added #include <memory> for std::unique_ptr#include <utility> for std::pair, and #include <iostream>. If you have a convincing need for adding a different #include please post in the forum on KEATS.

Make sure you don't commit any compiled code to your GitHub repository; or if you choose to use an IDE, any large project directories created by your IDE. You can make these on your machine, but don't commit or add them to your repository -- this isn't what git is designed for.

Binary search tree nodes [3 marks]

In the file treenode.h implement a template class TreeNode that represents a node in a binary search tree. It should have four publicmember variables:

  • The data stored in that node. The type of this should be a template argument.
  • A unique_ptr for the left child of the node;
  • A unique_ptr for the right child of the node;
  • A pointer to the parent of the node (NB not a unique_ptr)

Make a constructor that takes an item of data, stores it in the node, and sets the parent pointer to nullptr.

Make a function setLeftChild(TreeNode* child) that:

  • stores child in the left unique_ptr
  • sets the parent pointer of the child to point to this

Write an analogous function setRightChild for setting the right child of the node.

Make a function write that takes an ostream reference, and prints to it:

  • The result of calling write on the left child (if there is one)
  • A space character
  • The data from the node
  • A space character
  • The result of calling write on the right child (if there is one)

You should then be able to write, e.g:

someNode->write(cout); be able to print the subtree starting at some node to screen. (NB write should be marked as const.)

To test your code, compile and run TestTreeNode.cpp. A Makefile has been provided, run:

make TestTreeNode the command line. This makes four tree nodes, linked to each other, then prints out the tree.

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