In the News… This project is intended to provide current material for class discussion and review. This material must relate to your Course Project subject. To receive full credit for this requirement, submit the In the News during Week 5.



In the News… This project is intended to provide current material for class discussion and review. This material must relate to your Course Project subject. To receive full credit for this requirement, submit the In the News during Week 5. The project may draw on items from the online environment—newspapers, magazines, and websites—to provide current (i.e., within the last year) examples of course-related topics (i.e., business strategy from this week's reading assignment). Relevance and probable interest to the class are especially welcome. These items should be accompanied by a one- to two-page report (using bullet points). Be sure to use specific course concepts from the readings in Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.

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