In the xlsm file uploaded, there are three buttons, each having a function.



Requirements: • In the xlsm file uploaded, there are three buttons, each having a function. Your mission is to create your own xlsm file that has three buttons with the same functions. That is, recreate the uploaded xlsm file. You can run the uploaded xlsm file in a lab machine so that you can connect to the SQL server. • You can use the database created under the login account btma19249. The following connection string will be needed to connect this database. "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=ithsbls1\hsbsqlserver;Initial Catalog=btma19249BigPVFC;User Id=btma19249;Password=Btma!2019;" • Submit a single xlsm file to the dropbox before 11:59 PM November 15th . Late submission will be zero. • The detailed requirement and weight for each question are described below:

Q2(30pts): when the button “Q2” is clicked, there is a userform popping up. After the button “search employee” is clicked, the employees with the names containing the text in the textbox will be displayed. If the textbox is empty, then all records will be displayed. (see Fig. 2) 

Q2(40pts): When the button “Q3” is clicked, there is a userform popping up. After the button “search product lines” is clicked, the product lines with the number of products greater than or equal to the specified number will be displayed. (see Fig. 3)

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