In this assessment you will be provided with data relevant to the areas/problems covered in the literature review that addresses the decision or problem.c




In this assessment you will be provided with data relevant to the areas/problems covered in the literature review that addresses the decision or problem.

The scope of the research is consumers attitude towards the purchase and disposal of electronic products and the sharing economy. The key research questions are understanding and assessing (a) the extent of electronic product ownership in Asia, (b) the reasons for replacement, (c)  the ways of disposal and (d) the potential of the sharing economy in Asia.

The data has been collected from larger project covering different countries through a snowball and convenience sampling technique. You are required to clean the data to reflect only the Asian countries and exclude countries that are non-Asian in your analysis. Through descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, you are required to make sense of the data and finally assess the potential of the sharing economy in Asia.


Form into group of 2-3 members (up to 3 maximum) and complete a 3000-3500 words research report that includes the following sections.

         1.                   Executive Summary: that section provides a clear summary of the most important information in the report that is easily accessible to the intended audience. Students should provide a standard executive summary which covers the reasons for the research, a very brief description of the methodology, the main results and key conclusions. It should be presented as dot points and should not be more than 6 dot points.

         2.                   Introduction and research questions (approx. 500 words): this section should have a few sentences introducing the topic and the business scenario/problem it relates to.  It should then introduce the research question with an explanation of the links between these questions and the business scenario/problem analysis. The report must have between 3 to 5 research objectives.

         3.                   Overview of the method used to include a description of the sample (approx. 1000 words) this section provides a succinct description of the method used to collect the data presented in this report.  This description must have the following three subsections

o   An overview of the research study methodology

o   A description of the data collection methods

o   A description of the sampling procedure used and the actual sample (using relevant statistics and tables or figures as appropriate)

         4.                   Results and Discussion (approx. 800 words) this section reports on the analyses of the data collected. You should select the results that you believe are most relevant for answering the research questions. You should use tables and diagrams to present the results and you must discuss why the results are relevant and what the statistics mean.

         5.                   Limitations (approx 300 words) this section identifies and briefly describes any limitations in the study.

         6.                   Conclusions and Recommendations (approx 500 words) this section should provide an accurate summary of the research results, make logical connections to the research questions/business problems and provide detailed practical recommendations that are based on the evidence presented. This section should also identify further research needs.

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