Assignment objective:
In this assignment, students should demonstrate their ability to apply the skills of editing and proofreading to compose short research assignments, so that they are consistently free of errors in mechanics and grammar. They will integrate references, information, and ideas from research sources used. They will also provide documentation in APA format, and construct a basic Works Cited/Reference list at the end of the research papers. There is an understanding that most Centennial College programs prefer the APA documentation format.
- Each student will choose one reading (readings to be selected by your professor) and write a double-spaced research essay of 600 to 800 words in which he or she will identify the weaknesses of the author's arguments or writing style and critically analyze those to develop a critique of the reading.
- Before writing the research essay on the chosen reading from the textbook, students will consult and reference two outside sources. They will use the research to support their own essay thesis. Any research source might include books, the Internet, interviews, periodicals, newspapers, and websites.
- The student’s research essay must have a thesis statement which is his or her own creation, but must be in direct reference to the chosen reading in the textbook. The essay must be original – the student’s own. The paper must be submitted through This enables all students to check the originality of their work for themselves before submitting the assignment to the professor.
- Other than the reading references, the essay must have one long quotation and one short quotation in proper context to support his/her arguments, and those quotations must be collected from the outside sources.
- The research essay must have a "References" page at the end.
- The research essay must have a cover page.
- The essay must be typed and double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman
- Plagiarism will be penalized with a mark of zero.
- 10% penalty for each day will be applied for late submission.