In this assignment you are asked to study the required readings and to read the following case study: Basu, R., Little, C., & Millard, C., ( 2009). Case Study: A fresh approach of the Balanced Scorecard in the Heath row Terminal 5 project. Measuring Busin



In this assignment you are asked to study the required readings and to read the following case study: Basu, R., Little, C., & Millard, C., ( 2009). Case Study: A fresh approach of the Balanced Scorecard in the Heathrow Terminal 5 project. Measuring Business Excellence. 13(4). 22–33. After reading this article, write an essay in which you compare and contrast the Balanced Scorecard utilized by the British Airport Authority (BAA) at Heathrow Airport’s Terminal 5 project with the standard quadrants typically applied in a traditional BSC approach (Financial focus, Internal focus, Learning and Growth focus, and Customer focus). That is to say, the Terminal 5 project was a large, public construction project using private contractors. Yet, the BSC approach is also applied to the manufacturing sector and health care sector, and is applied in both private and public organizations. So, to help formulate your arguments, you'll want to consider how the T5 project adapted the BSC approach to fit the prevailing circumstances.

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