In this assignment you have to make a Powerpoint presentation. First you have to watch one of the movie from the list mentioned below. After watching the movie you have to consider the relevant concepts from the course, such as privacy, security, access, protection, ethics, etc. And discuss it in the Powerpoint presentation. To complete this assignment, you will need access to one of the following videos (or another appropriate choice—check with your instructor first). 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 23 (1998) A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Antitrust (2001) D.A.R.Y.L. (1985) Desk Set (1957) Eagle Eye (2008) Firewall (2006) Hackers (1995) I Robot (2004) Iron Man (2008) Iron Man 2 (2010) Iron Man 3 (2013) Johnny Mnemonic (1995) Live Free or Die Hard (2007) Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) Sneakers (1992) Swordfish (2001) The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969) The Italian Job (2003) The Matrix (1999) The Matrix Reloaded (2003) The Matrix Revolutions (2003) The Net (1995) The Social Network (2010) The Terminator (1984) Tron (1982) War Games (1983) Activity Instructions Please watch one of the above movies and consider the relevant concepts from the course, such as privacy, security, access, protection, ethics, etc. There are several approaches to completing this assignment. You may wish to take a narrow and deep approach looking at a relative few concepts but really digging in, providing some research, and expanding your knowledge of the subject matter.
Or, you could choose to take a broader (and shallower) approach and identify all of the relevant course material. Finally, you may use the movie to inspire a project and use specific examples from the movie in your presentation – this approach is most removed from the movie and would not require a synopsis of the movie. Demonstrate your understandings of these concepts by creating a PowerPoint presentation that you will share with the rest of the class. Each student will have 10 minutes to present their final project. Writing Requirements for a PowerPoint presentation Title Page Introduction slide which overviews the main contents of the presentation A conclusion slide that reviews the main points discussed within the document. Body of the presentation should be at least 10 slides in length, not including the title, introduction, conclusion, and reference slides Use clip art, images, and other types of graphics to illustrate your points. Be sure to follow the 7 X 7 rule which states: there should be no more than 7 lines per slide and no more than 7 words per line Use transition and animation sparingly. Include speaker notes – What would you say with your presentation? References slide (at minimum, three scholarly references)
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