The Course
Project will consist of three tasks, due in Weeks 2, 4, and 6. Successful
completion of the labs will help you in completing the project tasks.
Week 6: Task 3:
Database Construction Using MySQL and Research Paper (120 points)
Note: MySQL is required for this
project. Please ensure you can run MySQL via Omnymbus.
Scenario and Summary
this assignment, you will create and populate a MySQL database based on the ERD
you created in task2. Update the ERD you submitted for task2 with the
corrections required by your instructor. To help you with this task, your
instructor will provide you with the data dictionary of the database. This will provide you information on every table you must
create for the ABC Company database. Every entity is listed in the data
dictionary along with the PK/FK information, as well as the data types for the
attributes. These data types are MySQL data types, so they can go directly in
the create table statements. Using the corrected ERD and the data
dictionary provided, write the necessary MySQL statements to create the ABC company
database. To complete this assignment, you will need to be able to run MySQL
via Omnymbus.
Corrected ERD based on the instructor
feedback and data dictionary. The data dictionary titled “COURSE PROJECT
Week6Task3DataDictonary.xlsx” is found in the folder titled Course Project
Documents. Save your file as Lastname_Task3_revisedERD.vsd.
Script file saved as Lastname_task3.sql, which
includes all the DROP, CREATE, ALTER,
and INSERT statements needed to
create the ABC Company database
Word document showing the run result of
the script file saved as Lastname_task3Result.docx
Word document consisting of a research
paper as described Step 4 below. This document should be 2–3 pages (double
When done, upload zipped file
containing three files
Step 1
Revise the ERD you submitted for the previous task with the
feedback provided by your instructor and the help of the given data dictionary
Step 2
Step 3
Add data to your database.
Step 4
Writing a research
paper on the role of databases in real-life business systems.
· Paper topic description:
Databases have many applications in businesses. Discuss the role of
databases in one of the following applications.
applications (e.g., ERP, CRM, SCM, etc.)
engines (e.g., Google’s Bigtable)
specific industry (e.g., banking)
topic (approved by the instructor)
· The paper should
be 2–3 pages, double spaced.
· You must use at
least three authoritative resources other than your textbook. These must be
displayed in a bibliography and must be clearly cited in the body of the paper.
Points for will
be awarded according to the following rubrics.
Tutorials to Consult With
M10C_KROE8352_13_SE_WC10C.pdf in
the folder titled My SQL Documents in Files section for all things to do with
MySQL, including example SQL
Login MySQL Omnymbus
Environment.docx in the folder titled Omnymbus Tutorial Files in Files
section for how to log in to the Omnymbus Environment
Creating a Database in MySQL
Omnymbus Environment.docx in the folder titled Omnymbus Tutorial Files in Files
section for how to create a database in the Omnymbus environment. Remember, all
work must be done under a database your first create.
Running SQL Scripts in MySQL
Omnymbus Environment.docx in the folder titled Omnymbus Tutorial Files in Files
section for how to create and run your SQL Scripts
DBP-e13-Appendix-F.pdf in
the folder titled Visio Instructions Documents in Files section for how to use Visio
in the folder titled Visio Instructions Documents in Files section for how to
use Visio 2010
Week6Task3DataDictonary.xlsx in the folder titled Course Project Documents
in Files section
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