In this case study, you will use Solver and create Scenario Summaries for two options to determine the optimum schedule for part-time servers by completing the following: Open the file e08PM_PM_Staff and using your own name, save it as Lastname_Firstname_8M_PT_Staff.xlsx. Be sure that Solver is installed. Use Solver to determine the optimum schedule for part-time servers for the weekday schedule at the Raleigh, North Carolina restaurant. Solver for Option 1, in which you want the objective (Cell D16) to have the minimum (Min) number of employees scheduled by changing the number of employees (D4:D9). The first constraint is to be sure that you have enough (>=) employees (E11:Q11) to meet expected demand (E13:Q13) and the second constraint is to be sure that only whole numbers are used (because you cannot schedule part of a person to work). This solution used 97.00 hours and has 9 employees scheduled at 10:30 in the morning, which are 7 more than needed. Keep this solution, and solver for Option 2 by adding an additional constraint that allows no more than two employees to be scheduled for the first shift, (Hint: D4<=2). This solution sets Total Hours to 100.50. In this scenario, the greatest surplus of staff (7 employees) occurs between 2:00 and 3:00. Keep this solution by clicking OK. Create a Scenario Summary for the two options. Select all sheets and insert the file name in the footer in the left section. Set the orientation to Landscape, set the width to 1page, and center the sheets horizontally. Add appropriate information to the document properties, including the tags weekday work schedule, part-time staff and submit by uploading the completed worksheet into Blackboard.
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