this chapter we will be calculating a final price that has gone through a
number of markdowns and markups. We will
show the price through each change as well as the final selling price and the
markdown percent. We will use the
information in PROBLEM 8-15.
we change the way the values will appear. Go to the row number 3 and click on
it. The entire row turns black except for cell A3. Next click on the CURRENCY
button ($) in the TASKBAR. Click cell F3 and click on the PERCENT button (%) in
the TASKBAR and INCREASE the number of decimals by 2.
cell A1 type “Original”. In cell A2 type “Selling Price”.
cell B1 type “First”. In cell B2 type “Markdown”.
cell C1 type “Second”. In cell C2 type “Markdown”.
cell E1 type “Final”. In cell E2 type “Markdown”.
cell F1 type “Markdown”. In cell F2 type “Percentage”.
cell D2 type “Markup”.
should now adjust your columns by using the FORMAT menu and COLUMN choice as
you did before.
spreadsheet should look like this:
cell A3 enter the figure $5,000.
the formulas keeping in mind you must subtract or add the percentages given
from 100% depending on if it is a markdown or a markup. In cell B4 enter the formula that will take
the value of B3 (it is a markdown), and multiply by A3.
cell C4 enter the formula that will take the value of C3, (it is a markdown),
and multiply by B4.
cell D4 enter the formula that will take the value of D3, (it is a markup), and
multiply by C4.
cell E4 enter the formula that will take the value of E3, (it is a markdown),
and multiply by D4.
that the markdown % formula is:
markdown % = $markdown ÷ original price
the formulas should calculate and you will find the totals will be:
for first markdown; $3,600 for second markdown; $4,032 for the markup; $3830.40
for the final markdown; and 23.39% for final percentage.
PROBLEM: Your boss put you in charge of changing the
price each time a new markdown is taken. You need to keep track of each price
change and what the final percentage will be. The original selling price is
$300.00. In excel with formulas
First is 5%, Second is 12%, Markup is 3%, and the Final is 18%.
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