In this project you will write the JavaScript code to create a calculator. Good thing is that everyone knows how the calculator works.

computer science


In this project you will write the JavaScript code to create a calculator. Good thing is that everyone knows how the calculator works. It is a challenging project, give yourself lots of time to complete it.

1. You are provided with an HTML, and CSS files. Look at these files to understand how to use them and modify them if needed based on your code. (Note: You can add different selector (id, class) in HTML ONLY and cannot make any changes to CSS.) All your work will be done in JS file. 

2. Connect files and this is what you should see. You are ready to start.

3. Apply these changes : 

a. Change the background colour of operation buttons (*, /, +, -), make each button a different colour ( your choice). 

b. Change the font colour for all number buttons (include decimal “.” button, to blue. 

c. Change the background colour of clear “C” button, to black. Also the font colour to white. 

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