In this task, you should not support Santa Claus, but Grantelbart. Help him steal the Christmas presents.

computer science


The Assignment is done in C++ :

Task 3.1: Christmas Boids

In this task, you should not support Santa Claus, but Grantelbart. Help him steal the Christmas presents. Gugor has already managed to jumble the presents and Grantelbart only has to collect them if they are close enough to him.

To do this, add Grantelbart to the openFrameworks Christmas Boids program, which collects (disappears) the gifts as soon as they are close to him. You can find a video of a possible solution in the zip folder of the milestone.


You can max. Receive 3 bonus points. It is also possible to get up to 3 bonus points for the expansion of a single task.

The content that is necessary for the processing of the tasks will be discussed in the lecture during the 3 weeks of processing. If you develop a content in self-research, this will be explicitly mentioned in the future.

Upload both the programs and the written assignments to your attestation group folder.

Basic requirements

• Your program uses the Closest-Neigbours algorithm

• Your program implements Grantelbart (the gift catcher) as a separate class

• Your program draws only gifts that have not yet been caught

• Your program passes a function test


- Grantelbart moves toward the gift closest to him.

The assignment has already the classes needed, it just needs to meet the requirements. The Thing should look like this ( see video ). 

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