Include them in the app functionality (e.g. display retrieved data, allow to edit data on client side and then pass the data to the request, allow to create a resource that is passed to the request, and so on).

computer science



-   Implement navigation between multiple views. (1 point)

- Add  Sass  integration  and  use  it  properly  by  demonstrating  usage  of  the benefits/features that Sass provides over CSS. (1 point)

(! CSS frameworks, libraries (like, Bootstrap and so on) can't be used)

- Make the page responsive. Use different layout constructions to demonstrate changes between desktop, tablet and mobile versions. (1 point)

- Add 3 different REST API requests (different HTTP methods). Include them in the app functionality (e.g. display retrieved data, allow to edit data on client side and then pass the data to the request, allow to create a resource that is passed to the request, and so on). (2 points, 1 point for requests, 1 point for integrating requests in the app functionality)


-   Create  a  REST  API  with  at  least  3  different  endpoints  (different  HTTP

methods, CRUD functionality) using Node.js and Express.

In  order  to  implement  and  demonstrate  the endpoint functionality close to the real world scenario, dummy data should be used as the base entry point for   a   list   of   elements   for   the   chosen   resource.   This   list   should   be used/updated then based on created endpoint functionality. (3 points, 1 point for each endpoint)

Code Quality:

- GIT is used properly (commits are made frequently with meaningful commit messages). (1 point)

- Clean  code.  Code is well structured and commented (where needed). Code guidelines  are  taken  into  consideration  throughout  the  project.  Custom  file  is  created  covering  overall  project  description  (short  intro and a list of used technologies) and the setup (1 point)

Note:  Back-end  and  Front-end  requirements  are  connected,  meaning,  created

REST API endpoints on the Back-end side should be used from the Front-end side.

In  case,  the  Back-end  part  for  some  reason  is  skipped  and  not  implemented,  a publicly  available  placeholder  REST  API  can  be  used  to  demonstrate  the request functionality implementation from the Front-end side, so that only 3 points are lost and there is still a chance to earn those 2 points.

Instruction Files

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