PS 115D Spring 2017
Week 1 Report
Your Lastname, Your Firstname
In the upper right hand side corner of your report, write ... (see above).
Do not repeat this information on the second page. Do not add a cover sheet.
Show page numbers at the bottom of each page, centered.
Pick font size, line spacing, and margin width so that your report has a pleasing look and
is easily readable by a human being.
Use only black, white, and shades of gray in your tables and graph. Do not use color.
You can deviate from my instructions, e.g., create fewer or more tables than I’m asking
for, create more complex tables, create graphs instead of tables, and so forth. But you
must create at least one table or graph on page one and at least one on page 2.
Number your tables and graphs and refer to them (“see Table 1”) in your text.
Refer to the readings listed on the course website in a shorthand fashion, e.g., Ross and
Nisbett (1991). Don’t supply a list of works cited unless you bring in outside readings
(you’re not expected to do so).
Page 1 should cover the Income Games, page 2, the Happiness and Anger Surveys, page
3, the Segregation Simulations.
Place the photo of your Manual Segregation Simulation somewhere on page 3.
Save your report as a docx file and make sure that the docx file counts no more than three
pages before you submit it.
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