incorporate terms such as Pareto-efficiency an economic term meaning that a particular allocation

computer science


incorporate terms such as Pareto-efficiency an economic term meaning that a particular allocation of resources is efficient in the sense of allocating each resource to the person who most values it. (Coltri 46-47) Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file. Collaborating (Integrating) a negotiation style or strategy characterized by the seeking of solutions that maximize the interests, values, and needs of all disputants (Coltri 45) Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file. Reactive devaluation the devaluing of a choice, option, or recommendation merely because it is seen to be favored by an opposing party in an escalated conflict. (Coltri 44) Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file.

 Quality of consent the extent to which the consent of a participant to a dispute resolution process and outcome is “owned psychologically” by the disputant and is based on voluntary and well-informed consent to the process and/or outcome. (Coltri 42) Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file. Procedural justice the extent to which a dispute resolution process is considered fair, equitable, and protective of the rights of the participants. In contrast, substantive justice refers to the same qualities in the outcome of a dispute resolution process. (Coltri 42) Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file

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