Indicate a company from any industry that has implemented and integrated E-commerce or ERP Systems ( choose any ) with other ICT (information and communication technologies- data mining, business intelligences, data ware house, databases, RFID, EDI)

computer science


Indicate a company from any industry that has implemented and integrated E-commerce or ERP Systems ( choose any ) with other ICT (information and communication technologies- data mining, business intelligences, data ware house, databases, RFID, EDI) that escalate efficiencies and competitive advantages in their operations and strategies . Please visit web sites, annual reports, media etc. of the company to find the relevant information related in this matter. You may also need to gather information from academic journal articles, press releases, case studies, white papers published in popular press and online databases, including text books. Assignment Requirements You are required to submit a well referenced report style word document in response to the following questions (in 1000 words-minimum) maintaining academic writing norms. 1. Briefly describe the enterprise, in terms of its operations, products/services, markets, competitors etc. (200 words) 2. Illustrate how its e-commerce or ERP implementation integrated with related ICT (information and communication technologies- data mining, business intelligences, data ware house, databases, internet, RFID, VAN, EDI) ? (400 words) 3. Summarise the likely issues they have faced during their e-commerce or ERP implementation. (200 words) 4. Outline the likely advantages they have capitalised from the implementation and integration. (200 words)

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