Information Gathering -- Review the Overall Expectations related to math in The Kindergarten Program 2016.





1. Information Gathering -- Review the Overall Expectations related to math in The Kindergarten Program 2016.

2. Information Gathering -- Pick ONE Overall Expectation related to math that you would like to focus on, and review the related Specific Expectations. Pick 1-2 of the related Specific Expectations. State your chosen Overall and Specific Expectations.

3. Prepare 2 open-ended activities for a Math Centre in the classroom that are aimed at your chosen Specific Expectations. For each activity, include the following:


--description of the activity

--how your activity is developmentally appropriate (support with evidence from the ELECT)

--what children might say, do, or represent to show their understanding

--questions you can ask to respond, challenge and extend their thinking

--2 other expectations that you might see indicators of in this activity, that aren’t math-based --accommodations/modification/support you could provide for students not yet independently able to access the activities


Kindergarten program document:




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