Information System Modelling with ORM Model



Modeling Information Systems-ITD122

Assignment 1 Handout- Group Work

Information System Modelling with ORM Model

Weight: 30%


The following tasks are to be attempted:

 Please attempt all the three (3) tasks. Marks are as indicated.

 It is recommended that you work in a group/team of 2-3 students. You can work individually, but this

will put more work load on you.

 It is expected that students form groups based on their own contacts.

 Tutorials can be used as an occasion to find group members and have a further discussed the topic, so

make sure to attend all your tutorial classes.

 The same marking criteria will apply irrespective of the size of the group.

 All group members will get the same mark. You can have one submission per group. Do not forget to

include your name/s (full name as appears in your ID cards) in your final reports.

 You can use Microsoft Word drawing tools, Microsoft Visio, or any other modeling tool to develop

your models (Note: you must use a drawing tool for all your models-Shouldn’t be hand drawn/

written). MS Visio is a very good option but this is not part of the standard software packages used at

QUT (not available at any lab). The following is a FREE web-based system that can use Visio file

formats and do all the same type of stuff: 

 There are three parts for this assignment (you must complete all parts and submit them as one word

document/report. Please also zip and submit other source files/original models e.g. drawing as .xml,

.vsd or .html via Blackboard) Just in case we need to refer to the original files.

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