Part 1
After you have brainstormed aspects of your speech, write a delivery outline of your informative
speech about how to prepare and present an informative speech. The outline must include an
introduction, central Idea, preview, body, conclusion, clear transitions, or signposts between
each main point and obvious supporting material.
Topic: Your topic is: How to prepare and present an informative
Part 2
This part should be at least 400 words.
Step 3 of DECIDE is “Create message” and Step 5 is “Deliver message.” Describe the
decisions you made as you created create and delivered your informative speech about
how to prepare and present an informative speech. Using key concepts from this lesson,
specifically address decisions you made to develop your main ideas so that you were
lively and spontaneous while still being prepared and not memorizing the speech.
Provide specific examples from your preparation and delivery.
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