Instructions for all assignment scripts:  See Standards for Documentation of MATLAB Programs on the Canvas Resources page.

computer science


Instructions for all assignment scripts:  See Standards for Documentation of MATLAB Programs on the Canvas Resources page.  Insert comments at the top and throughout each file. o Include the follow comments at the beginning of this (and ALL) files. % submitter’s name, GROUP # or “none” % other group members’ names or “none” % program file name, ex. assign02a.m % due date of the assignment % statement about collaboration REQUIRED. % a short narrative about what the file does o Use the algorithm given as comments throughout your program.  Observe the instructor’s rule for naming variables. o Use ALL CAPS for constants variable names. o Start other variables with lower case. o Use descriptive variable names.  Use Sample Input/Output as a guide.  Code clarity: o Indent blocks as needed. Use Smart Indent. o Divide your solution program code into sections as noted in the algorithm. Use blank lines as needed to group statements. o Use section comments as well as the algorithm step comments. o Remove statements from previous assignments that do not apply to the current requirements.  Use comments to show units.  Use the CONSTANT and variable names, not numbers. Exceptions are incrementers (or counters) and numbers without identity.  No extra output, i.e. use semicolons

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