Introduction to Mechatronics System Design



MA2012 Introduction to Mechatronics System Design

Assessment 1

Assessment Instructions:

You have received this assessment lab document at least 24 hours prior to the assessment lab session.

On the actual assessment day, you will commence at 4:30 pm and will end at 6:00 pm. Admission to the lab is at 4:25pm.

This hands-on assessment has a total of 20 marks.

13 marks will be allocated to the tasks described in this document.

7 marks will be allocated to new tasks stated on the grading sheet given to you at the start of the assessment lab session. 

This assessment will make up 20% of the final result.

Write the names of all group members on the provided assessment grading sheet. Please leave the grading sheet on the lab bench upon completion.

You need to submit the source code by email to ⦁ before 10:00 am on 09 Mar 2021.

Assessment Description:

You are going to design a control system of a lift of a 3-storey building using the Arduino UNO MCU. 

The basic components and circuitry have been provided to you. The schematic diagram is shown in Figure 1.

The operations of the lift are as follow:

The keypad is configured as follow:

Keys ‘A’ - ‘C’ are call buttons outside of the lift on each level

Level 1: ‘A’;

Level 2: ‘B’;

Level 3: ‘C’.

Keys ‘E’ and ‘F’ are Door Open and Door Close buttons respectively inside the lift car.

Keys ‘1’ – ‘3’ are floor buttons inside the lift car.

The other keys have no function.

The lift door is controlled by the Servomotor. 

Fully opened  135°; Fully closed  45°.

Lift door operations:

While the lift door is closed and the lift car is not moving, 

Outside Lift: If the same floor call button is pressed, open the lift door, remain opened for 10s and then close the lift door.

Inside Lift: If Key ‘E’ is pressed, open the lift door, remain opened for 10s and then close the lift door.

While the lift door is opened,

If Key ‘E’ (Inside Lift) OR the same floor call button (Outside Lift) is pressed, the door shall remain opened for an additional 10s;

If Key ‘F’ is pressed, the door shall close immediately;

If the Opto-Switch senses occlusion, the door shall remain opened, pressing Key ‘F’ has no effect on the door;

Instruction Files

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