Introduction to Your Marketing Plan Marketing takes time, money, and lots of preparation. One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to develop a solid marketing plan. A strong marketing plan will ensure you’re not only sticking to your schedule but that



Introduction to Your Marketing Plan Marketing takes time, money, and lots of preparation. One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to develop a solid marketing plan. A strong marketing plan will ensure you’re not only sticking to your schedule but that you’re spending your marketing funds wisely and appropriately. For the final marketing plan that you will need to submit at the end of the semester you are to come up with a fundraising event for a sport organization that you have been a part of or would like to be a part of. An example of this would be a golf outing for high school sports team. 

Be creative with selecting what type of event you will use for your sport organization. Be sure that the event will be big enough that you will need to market the event to the general public. Each marketing plan should have market research, target market, product, competition, mission statement, marketing strategies, (price, positioning and branding), goals, and results. We will go over each of these sections in more detail in later units. For this part of the marketing plan assignment answer these questions and place in the drop box. What is the sport organization that you will be doing the fundraising event for? And why? What is the fundraising event that you would like to do? Provide details. What makes you think that your fundraiser will be successful? s this fundraiser going need any capital to get started? If so how much? Are there any similar fundraisers that you know of?

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