Investigate and summarise the key capital adequacy and solvency standards for your nominatedfinancial services company and, using publicly available data, discuss how well the company meetsthese standards. The summary should include statements of how the



Investigate and summarise the key capital adequacy and solvency standards for your nominatedfinancial services company and, using publicly available data, discuss how well the company meetsthese standards. The summary should include statements of how the key standards are calculatedand a table of key metrics specific to your company, i.e. an evaluation of company data against therequired standards. 

Marking Guide Summary of key standards 5 Calculations of company against standards 7 Discussion of company position against standards 7 Strength of supporting evidence 3 Discretionary (e.g. spelling, grammar, presentation) 3 Total 25 I do not understand the key capital adequacy and solvency standards. our group will discuss the ANZ bank. i want get the information about the first three requirements of marking guide.

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