It is a large national offsite event management company operating across North America comprised of dynamic and diverse teams focused on regional special events and festivals.



National Event Management Canada Ltd. 

It is a large national offsite event management company operating across North America comprised of dynamic and diverse teams focused on regional special events and festivals. Following the end of the fiscal quarter, employees were asked to complete a self-assessment form, before their formal evaluation meeting with the manager. The employees dreaded this. Four times a year, the company atmosphere was tense. Employees did not know if they should rate themselves as they saw themselves as high because maybe that was what the manager expected, or low, to appear as though they did not want to brag. There was never any real constructive guidance or training in how to self evaluate their performance as individuals or teams.

The greatest challenge was that nobody knew what the management expected. Even those who had been there for years had not figured it out. Employees going into the meeting after having submitted the self-evaluation forms, employees were asked to sit in a chair while the manager sat behind a desk. She would indicate that she had the form and proceed to tell you little that was generic in both negative and positive ways and never even refer to the self-assessment. When it was over, you knew little about what she felt about your work performance and accomplishment in working with your team. 

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